Sunday, 3 April 2016

Stressed? Life Is A Lot Simpler Than You Feel!

Steps to help you overcome your extreme stress Life periods!

We've experienced stress, and we still experience it, but too many of us are content to live with it, and, eventually, fall victims to its ugly consequences. Not all stress is bad, of course: It can keep us striving to reach new goals and make our lives exciting. But when your emotions and health are compromised, it's time to stop and look for a solution.
These step-by-step directions for helping you get rid of unnecessary sources of anxiety, and developing a healthier relationship with those you can't avoid.

1.     Set Your Timeline

First, learn to identify areas of your life that need extra attention. Your sources of stress may be clear to you already or they may take a few weeks to surface while you observe your daily patterns.

2.     Think About Your Health

Ask yourself: What health-related effects of stress have you already noticed in your life?
If you haven't considered (or you've chosen to ignore) the harmful effects that stress can have on your mind and body, you're overlooking a major threat to your well-being.
Taking a long, hard look at the potential consequences of unrelenting, unaddressed anxiety can help us realize that we need to make a change, before it's too late.

3.     Write in a Journal

The most efficient way to overcome is to start a journal. Commit to writing down, at least once a day for at least 10 minutes, everything that evoked a negative or stressful reaction, the place and time of day, the source of the stress, and your reaction. You can do this either throughout the day or before bed at night.
Also take a few minutes to write down the positive points in your day: When did you feel the most relaxed, the most joyous, and the most fulfilled? Keep these thoughts with you as you put your journal away.

4.     Know what Stresses You The Most

We can't tell you what your individual sources of stress are but we can guess that at least some of them fall into a larger category of universal problems: money, relationships, work-life balance, health (yours and your loved ones'), and time-management issues.

5.     Pick Your Worry Profile

Worrying does little to make our lives better. At best, it's counterproductive; at worst, it inhibits our thoughts, drains our energy, and even makes us sick. "Think of it as a negative thought loop," explains psychotherapist Stephen Cope, author of "The Wisdom of Yoga: A Seeker's Guide to Extraordinary Living." Since it never closes on a satisfying answer, worry only begets more worrying.
The driving factor behind worry is fear, but fear of what? That depends on your worry profile.

6.     Learn to Be Imperfect

Can't sleep when there's laundry to be folded? Can't enjoy a good book when you have bills to pay? Does the thought of making a mistake give you heart palpitations? Welcome to the club.
Here's the thing, though: While the right dose of perfection can boost your satisfaction, too much can be paralyzing. There's a difference, after all, between holding yourself to a high standard and holding yourself to an unattainable one!

7.     Reflect and Push Onward

Now is the time to stop and re-examine what you've learned so far: Have you identified the things that stress you? The things you tend to worry about? The areas in your life where you're trying a bit too hard to be perfect? Have you spent at least a few days journaling about your recent ups and downs, and have you recognized the patterns and problems that need fixing?
Once you've come to grips with your most pressing stress issues (congrats -- that's half the battle!), Now start saying goodbye to those things that keep you stressed!

Inspired by: series of articles about stress relief.

Time Management: Checked!

10 Tips that will make your life stress free…

Days pass and because of laziness, busyness, workload and hours wasted, we find dozens of undone things, and you start stressing out to get those undone things done, but, let me ask you a question, would all these things have been left  undone if you managed your time? Mostly, the answer is no, because you’ll know what you have to do and how much time you have for it. And how would that happen? There you go, a few tips on how to manage your time!

1. Know Your Priorities
Priorities differ from one person to another, family, sports, work, studies, and so on. So you must know your priorities before you start planning anything, as for sure, priorities will take much of your time.

2. Have a Long-Term Planner
Some goals and To-Dos take longer than months and for that you should have a long-term planner or a year calendar, to add those, and to add events, vacations, and anniversaries, so you won’t have any overlaps, and also to be prepared for it all.

3. Have a Monthly or Weekly Planner
This is the in between short and long term To-Do lists, it helps a lot in managing your time, and let you know what’s planned and ahead of you before your day starts.

4. Have a Daily To-Do List
This is the most important part of your time management routine, you must always have a daily plan, with timing, deadline, and duration for each and everything on it, including meals, prayers, and breaks!

5. Always Consider Mind Maps in Your Daily Routine
In order to free your mind, do a mind map drawing, it helps a lot when it comes to stress, as you put all that’s on your mind on a paper and completely clear it. And by all, I mean ALL, feelings, thoughts, things, memories on it now, even the most useless thing taking a space in your mind!
You could also use it for projects, studies, exams, work, and so on,.. as it makes matters easier and more organized.

And here is a link on how to make a mind map mind-unleash-your-creativity.html

6. Divide Your Work into Parts
Dividing your work into parts will help you finishing it faster, and with better efficiency, as when you do so, you concentrate on each part separately and give it your all.

7. Always Give Yourself a Break and Reward Yourself
Breaks every hour or two for 20 to 30 minutes are so important for your body, brain, soul and heart. 
Take time to pray, chat, have a drink, eat a snack, or even watch something quickly.
Small breaks are way better and more benefiting than long ones that last for more than hour, but if your work requires continuous hours without a break, then have a long break, but always consider 5mins every hour to move your body and rest your eyes.
And if you are done with something great, reward yourself, you deserve it!

8. Update & Rewrite Your Lists
Be flexible and willing to adjust your plan and rewrite it, as you’ll face daily circumstances that will require you to adjust your day according to it. So always remember to adjust your sails, as a smooth sea never made a skilful sailor. ;)  

9. Stay Away from Distractions and Learn to Say No!
Avoid distractions like mobiles notifications, calls, games, and other things that may consume your time, when you’re doing something keep your mobile phone away and on silent mode and same thing for any other distractions so you would finish what’s in your hand on time and efficiently.
Got a call from a friend and says “let’s go out” while you’re busy? Or someone requests something from you that could be delayed? A notification on your mobile is telling you that there is a huge sale at your favourite shop and will end within hours and you have hours ahead of you to finish your tasks?  SAY NO!!
Learn to say no to all the distractions of all kind, whether it’s people, devices, or even yourself and focus on what you’re doing!

10. Get Enough Sleep, Free Time and Rest
Laziness and tiredness are two of the main reasons why people do work inefficiently, leave their work unfinished, quit, or even never start at the first place. So you must get enough sleep at night and have some rest and free time to be ready to work.

One last tip, all these tips won’t work if you aren’t willing to, and if you don’t love what you do, so love what you do or go do what you love, either way, you’re the winner.

Free Your Mind, & Unleash Your Creativity!

We all pass by time when we’re too busy to even remember what we have to do, so we write to do lists, we make reminders, set alarms and so on, in order not to forget, but this often causes stress, and make us achieve less than we want to, or at least with less quality so the mind map was created to help us reduce this!                                                                                                            
A mind map is a diagram invented by Tony Buzan and it’s used to visually organize information. It could be drawn by hand or on devices, and it’s like a tree of, you draw the centre and branches of all the things on your mind at the moment, and the things that need to be done. 

Buzan suggests the following guidelines for creating mind maps:
  1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
  2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
  3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
  4. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
  5. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The lines become thinner as they radiate out from the center.
  6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
  7. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also for encoding or grouping.
  8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
  9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
  10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches.

One last thing to remember and put in mind, if you stress about things it will only affect your health, so relax and enjoy every moment, even the busy ones.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Earthing/Grounding: A healing connection with nature.

New way of natural healing…
Walking barefoot on the beach sand, wet or humid concrete, ceramic tiles, on mud in a forest, or on natural grass then feeling good momentarily or after a while, why is that?

It's because of earthing/grounding effect...Earthing/grounding is a fast-growing movement based upon the discovery that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is foundational for vibrant health.
The effect of earthing/grounding is the reason we sense well-being, as we receive amount of the ground's healing electrons. The earth has a slightly negative charge, so when we're barefoot we connect with earth, & earth's electrons flow into our bodies, giving a virtual “transfusion” of healing power. Also our bodies itself are conductive because it contain large numbers of charged ions dissolved in water, so when we connect with earth through our feet we share electrons that help in healing our cells, & our tissues.
This healing power has proved it's success in improving humans' health and a documentry was made to describe how effective, important and vital it is for human beings. The documentry, which is called 'The Grounded 2' was to introduce this amazing healing power to the public. It featured the story of Step Sunatra who was a Wall Street trader before his health suddenly began to decline, bringing him to the brink of death. But when he switched to an all-organic diet and learnt about grounding, he started recovering. 
The documentary, The Grounded 2, is a continuation to the film The Grounded, which was released in 2013. It features Step Sinatra as mentioned earlier, astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Dr. Mercola, among many others.
Moreover, the father of Step Sunatra Dr. Stephan Sunatra who is a cardiologist released a book on this healing power in 2010 and called it ‘The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?’
However, modern world is preventing us from this healing power, with inventions such as running shoes, are insulators, have very few free or mobile electrons such as plastic and rubber. When shoes were made of leather there was a conductive contact between the earth and our feet.  
Also, earthing is really important for the immune systems, blood circulation, providing the body cells with water and other physiological processes and may actually be the most effective, essential, least expensive, and easiest to attain antioxidant.
It's recommended when selecting a property of your own to take care of few things like using concrete, and ceramic tiles when flooring since both transfer electrons easily, but wood is an insulator so it wouldn't transfer electrons and thus indoor earthing would be hard. Another important thing to look for in a property is to have green areas around or a sandy place and even better a beach.