Sunday 3 April 2016

Free Your Mind, & Unleash Your Creativity!

We all pass by time when we’re too busy to even remember what we have to do, so we write to do lists, we make reminders, set alarms and so on, in order not to forget, but this often causes stress, and make us achieve less than we want to, or at least with less quality so the mind map was created to help us reduce this!                                                                                                            
A mind map is a diagram invented by Tony Buzan and it’s used to visually organize information. It could be drawn by hand or on devices, and it’s like a tree of, you draw the centre and branches of all the things on your mind at the moment, and the things that need to be done. 

Buzan suggests the following guidelines for creating mind maps:
  1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
  2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
  3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
  4. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
  5. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The lines become thinner as they radiate out from the center.
  6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
  7. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also for encoding or grouping.
  8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
  9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
  10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches.

One last thing to remember and put in mind, if you stress about things it will only affect your health, so relax and enjoy every moment, even the busy ones.

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